Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Best, Darn Glam Squad!

I had the privilege of working last week with what I deem, "The best darn Glam Squad" in the biz.
I can't reveal what we worked on, but I can say that this group of gals, (and a couple of choice guys) contributed to what was by far one of the the most rewarding experiences as far as team efforts go. I can't begin to thank them enough for all their beautiful and arduous work. So I'll leave it at that--simply terrific. (You all know who you are).
A few face charts I mapped out during my prep week...
The adorable crew!
 Left to right: Ryan, JJ, Lisa, Jamie, Cheryl, Angela, Me, Leah

You're all so special. A warm, hearty thanks to all!!

With Love,

Noa B

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